Without a doubt, I feel the most innovation of the
techno/experimental genre
comes out of German labels. Considering Force Inc./Mille Plateaux over
just the past year: Sutekh: Periods Make Sense, Twerk: Humantics, Stewart
Walker: Stabiles. Three very innnovative pieces of work, to me that is.
Then, of course, Chain Reaction: Vladislav Delay, Fluxion. 
Not to mention Scape, Raster-Noton and the whole
Klang/Playhouse/Kompakt/... ring. 
I've been very bored with what's been coming out of Kanzleramt, however.
With the exception of Timeblind's Dead Tech. 
Tresor has a few gems every once in awhile, but I feel for the most
part put out, not
particularly bad techno, but just typical and not very interesting because
we've all heard it before. Just my thoughts. L8r.



On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Tosh Cooey wrote:

> Is my perspective way off or is most direction in techno coming from
> Germany these days?
> I think back to the BC/CR days, now kompakt and Ladomat, throw in
> Playhouse and those are just the larger labels.
> Tosh
> PS. I love Swayzak and Lawrence!!!
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