On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone who has produced at least one commercial release and knows anything
about the music industry would be a member of either ASCAP or BMI.... I would
 think its about a 50/50 split.

Cool...but this leaves a question.  Why was Shake left hanging?  Was it
that he didn't know?  That he didn't think that he needed health insurance
because he was young?  I'm pretty sure that he's not alone.....

Even if you belong to ASCAP or BMI, you still have to pay for your own insurance. And deductables hardly make it worthwhile if you are healthy or sick. I know I can't afford insurance even though I am affilliated with BMI and I now have to work a straight job part-time to continue my so-called career in music. No coverage their either being a freelance contractor. Most artists would rather gamble and invest all their money back into their equipment and art rather than waste it on health care insurance and fight for them to cover a serious illness.

Telepathic regards,
TELEPATHICA P.O.B. 80337 Boston, MA 02180-0010 U.S.A.
MP3 Audio Samples @  http://www.mp3.com/FredGiannelli

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