also, we just posted the audio from the Allegory & Metaphor party Ulysses put together in NYC. it's on the front door of the Beta Lounge.

thanks to Elliot, Sean & John (Intuit), & Kenny !


At 6:08 PM -0400 9/18/00, sean deason wrote:
Maybe you guys were to busy drooling over the huge 3 page article on Madonna
to notice this but in the Sunday Detroit Free Press' "Entertainment" section
there was a review of my new album. Ive attached the URL in a blatant
disregard for the no self promo rules (in doing so also violating numerous
copyright laws as well. they'll never take me alive!) :^P

sean "media whore" deason
sean deason
matrix records
p.o. box 343
dearborn, mi 48121-0343
ph/fax: 313.582.3410
cell: 313.522.3550

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