Pardon me if this string forces my hand , as it where...
firstly is it known that genralizations  are genrally non-functional
they exsist only in a non-reality,reality , to fullfill the need to 
fit everything into a catagory .Second the comment re: lady Di's
need to have " genrally more sensory input to acheive satisfaction"
Are we really gonna  quantify  music  into some sort of science 
experiment ? Why do some like classical and other country ... and good
lord whatdo we do about those who prefer classical renditions of country
tunes? Why does one individual like a particular painting and the next not?
can we quantify the color ratio? or maybe  it's a post mod vs.
modern varible we can fit into the equation....Next is the 13:30pm
note re: wrench in your gears .."ALOT of people like music for
many different reasons".........? hmmmm I would dare to say that
EVERYONE likes what they like for  many, many different reasons.
Also , I feel like I'm walking the frail edge here; to say "even
worse, simply because it's cutting edge"??This seems incredible
if , for some of those out 'there' , that could be no better reason to check
out something new :Because it's new and fresh thusly cutting edge
Finally this just makes me smile; after  saying being genral is a 
"handicap for sure" you come back with .."I am simply trying to 
figure out a GENRAL pattern or typing , with room for all 'midddle of the road
types'"????O.K MR Spock ..just kiddin'... But I must say
you follow with " I hate to think we like what we like 'just because'
I am after a clearer vision why" I would say look within , why do
you like what you like (I hope it's more than just because)This applies
to many things if the music thing is messin you up.. 
I would say re: this whole swedish "techno" thing , what comes from 
over there is reactionary at best and therefore, lacking in insperation
and extremely repetive I dont know bout tone shifts and all that 
but someone posted this " when your being boring the mind wanders"
You are on this planet to create ..not compete or compare

"darw_n" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I think the introverted/extroverted personality/music match is
> doomed to failure.

Well, as I was just telling someone, I have a tendency to be very general
and vastly broad and absolute, a handicap fo sure...

Anyways, there is a wrench in my gears in that ALOT of people like music for
many different reasons, and they are often not truthful about it.  One of my
huge stumbling blocks in my research is this need to like something simply
because its proper or because it was created by someone historical, or even
worse, simply because it is cutting edge.  This makes my work very difficult
for it illiminates any possibilty of knowing what they _really_ like to

The other thing is that I am not attempting to create a MMTI type test, in
which you answer 25 vquestion, and wham, I can tell you if you'll like Paper
Records or Code Red, no.  I am simply trying to figure out a general pattern
of typing, with room for all the "middle of the road" types.

I hate to think that we like what we like "just because", I am after a
clearer vision of "why"...

Perhaps Beyer is a good example of my theories though in that he is very
introverted, and his music is _very_ repetitive, and _very_ suceptible to


"create, demonstrate, toneshift..."

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