So, like I said yesterday, I finally picked up a copy of Derrick May's
_Innovator_ comp, and it is completely ace. It is, in fact, perfect.
But all of you knew that already. What _isn't_ perfect is the track
listing for the second CD. A huge chunk of it is off by one, but I
don't know where the mistake starts and where it ends. Does anyone
have the corrected track listing?

On another note, I've recently been having a torrid little affair with
my old _Deep Detroit_ compilations. They're so good to me! It's a
shame Pow Wow never released more than the two of them, as they're
chock full of the good stuff -- Infiniti, Shake, Eddie "Flashin'"
Fowlkes -- you know the score. They were how I discovered Optica
Nerve, who are still my favorite db / 430 West artists (so it's an
alias for Aux 88 -- your point is...?). But anyway, the first track on
Volume 1 is a gorgeous, soulful track by someone named Kech called
"Irony". It's the only thing I've ever heard by this particular
artist, and that's a shame. Anyone have the story on this personage
(these personages), including where I can find more music by him / her
/ them? "Detroit Techno-Soul" indeed!


       . . . the self-reflecting image of a narcotized mind . . .
ozymandias G desiderata     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     desperate, deathless
(415)558-9064          ::AOAIOXXYSZ::

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