(apologies for the cross-posting;
please reply privately so as to not
further clog up the lists)
I've been making do with the basic
soundcard that came with my PC:
Soundblaster 16 since I got it.  But
now that I'm getting back into recording
my own music again (and making the
computer part of that process), I want
to get a better soundcard. My problem is
that I am about as ignorant as they come
when it comes to technology, so I have no
idea what I should be looking for. I'm not
looking for a better soundcard for gameplaying
(I don't play games), just music making.
My biggest concern is that with my current
soundcard, I have to record from the soundcard's
lineout to the linein on my DAT, and then viceversa
to get the sound back into the soundcard (ie if I want
to tweak I have to do this). I'd like to be able to
jam live and *record these jams as I'm jamming*
all using the same soundcard (ie keep everthing in
the soundcard from start to finish and not have to
export to DAT and then import back into the soundcard).
Is this possible? (seriously, if you're thinking "this Duke's
pretty stupid", I have no problem with that; I barely passed
sciences and maths in school).
The computer stores I've talked to
said it wouldn't be practical with my system to just
buy a second soundcard and bounce audio from
soundcard #1 to soundcard #2. They're used to
people who want new soundcards for better gaming-related
audio, not people like myself who want better soundcards
re: musicmaking.
Soundblaster Platinum 5.1's infopage
has all kinds of gobbledygook that makes not much sense
to me: like: does "full digital mixer maintains all sound
mixing in the digital domain, eliminating noise from the signal"
mean I can record my jams as I play them (for further
editing) all within the same soundcard?! And most of
these soundcards come with all kinds of games, effects,
etc, etc, etc, that I'm not interested in (but it looks like
the higher up in quality you go, the more stuff they add
on). It's not really a price issue for me cos this is something
I've been needing to do for awhile. It's just that I need
input from those who know their soundcards and I can't
track down that info here in Halifax and, on the web,
the info I find is beyond my comprehension.
(I'm a music man, not a technology man!:)
Anyway, any help would be super appreciated.
Thanks. Andrew Duke [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9

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