"I just wanna dance"
Promoters sue Highland Park over alleged dance party brutality
by Melissa Giannini

When one thinks of police brutality or racial profiling, white kids from the
suburbs don't usually come to mind. But attorney Carl L. Collins III will
argue that, in the case of at least one May 6-7 party that took place in
Highland Park, police sought out people who appeared to be young
suburbanites, harassed them, arrested them falsely and brutally abused them
for participating in what police thought was a rave. Collins announced
Tuesday, on behalf of Detroit Underground Productions, Inc. and six other
individuals, two multimillion-dollar lawsuits against the Highland Park city
government and police department, citing civil rights violations, racial
discrimination, racial profiling, police trespassing, false arrest, slander,
defamation of character, illegal forfeiture of funds and other charges.

In the case of the party in question, Collins said that promoters met with
the mayor and were granted approval to host the party. The night of the
event, police raided it. According to Collins, a few people were the victims
of extreme physical abuse, property was taken and many were arrested. All of
the charges were dropped afterward, except for one individual, a minor, who
pleaded guilty after being offered a reduced charge. Videotape exists from
the night of the party showing the alleged brutality. Rarely has legal
action taken place to defend dance culture and Collins says that this form
of harassment and profiling has for the most part gone unnoticed.

Right To Dance, an organization formed because of violent raids over the
past year in Detroit, staged a protest rally Tuesday at 5 p.m. at Detroit
City Hall in front of the Spirit of Detroit statue. "When any story hits the
news, it brings to light, yeah, your son or daughter might have been there,
but your son or daughter might have also gotten a Maglite upside the head,"
says Carl Smith of Right To Dance. The organization is protesting the
violence, but Smith says he'd like to work with the government and police to
create a safer scene as has happened in Toronto, where the city officials
drafted laws that were acceptable to both sides of the issue.

More to come.

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