In a message dated 04/10/00 19:45:04 GMT Daylight Time, 

> And whassup with Harvey Lane, "resident Lost dj," who's mixed the new
>  User/Serial Scratch cd?! That name makes you wonder a bit, doesn't it? Up
>  the garden lane (sorry, path) we go...  

I dont have a clue about his name, but he is maybe still a resident at House 
of God as well as Lost, although I dont actually know because I havent been 
there for a year or so.  But he certainly used to be, and quite decent as 
well, I've heard him tear it up on many occasions.  Birmingham or people 
related to it seem to be getting alot of mentions lately, which is cool as 
I've always reckoned Birmingham is a good city for techno.


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