> Well, I'm just upset that he hasn't played in Chicago considering he lives
and works here.  The only opportunities that I would get to see him is when
he plays in Toronto.  Is there an explanation why he doesn't play out in

I interviewed Jeff for Jockey Slut last week (I'll post it to the list soon)
and we touched on this subject. Here's what he said (these quotes don't
appear in the finished 1400 word piece), which kinda points to an answer to
your question.

"I suppose that it goes back to the reason why I moved to Chicago in the
first place. It was mainly because of the perspectives. There [Chicago] is a
location from where I can look at Europe from a distance and Detroit from a
distance, and I don't have to run my business from right in the middle of
things. So if I want to escape from it I can very simply just not go to my
office and I can forget about it. I don't see anyone walking down the street
that was at a party I did last night or something like that. I spend more
time in Europe than I do in the States, I have family in Chicago and all my
family is in the States, but my daughter is in Germany. So I have interests
on both sides, you know."

"I was not born in the city [Chicago], I moved there from New York and I
moved to New York from Detroit, so it was partially out of strategic desire
and I found New York to be a little bit too political and difficult to run a
very small, simple record company."

I love the fact that he refers to Axis as a 'very small simple record
company', too!


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