Or, you have them perfectly matched and all of the sudden some dude that thinks he is John Travolta on the dancefloor bumps the table and the needle goes flying...(that's another posiblility)

Or this one really pisses me off:
You get the package in the mail with your new wax, and you are so excited that you imediately hit "Rec" on the tape player and begin to mix, only to find out that there is a skip on the record when you are into your fifth mix.

From: "Dennis Donohue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] R: [313] women and electronic music - long


>>>One tip my brother has taught me is if once you mix
>>>one record into another and you hear it goes off beat, it means the
>>> >>>record you mixed in is too fast and needs to be slowed down. Try it,
>>> >>>hope that would help.

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