Chris Korda's Fleshdance (gigolo) goes well with many kms tracks

From: Sir Ethilrist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [313] looking for saunderson-like tracks!
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 18:31:25 +0200

hy folks,
just reesentely ;-) i discovered my love for the bassy / trancy sound of
some of Kevin Saunderson's releases.
Especially tracks like *Smooth Groove-Tronik House*,  "e-dancer-banjo (funk
d'void remix)* or *Jark Prongo- Spadet* caught my attention, even if the
latter one is not from Kevin. It's just the style I really love.
But, alas, besides KMS-releases and some records bought by coincidence I do
not know, where to look for that special bassy groove.

Can anybody help me, and drop some names and / or tracks which are worth to
be listened to???

>>>The scene was all changed like the change in his face...<<<

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