On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Sam Karmel wrote:
> hi
> Even though i'm not from US i decided to have a go at
> the plus 8 comp.  I ended up spending quite a bit of
> time on it.  Unfortunatly i have been unable to upload
> my track to the site.  I have tried everything and i
> can't see why everytime i try it comes up with
> something saying
>  "Error sending request to server, com.ms.dll.Win32
> exeption: connection with server was recet"
Connection reset by peer indicates a timeout between you and
the server you want to send data to. I see this mostly when 
you are trying to get to a busy host.

> Four days ago i sent a help email to acid: no reply. 
> So i was hoping somebody here might be able to help
> me.
I got an email response to a question about a week after the fact.

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