What does a delete button do?

If it's relevant for 313 in X's eyes, I'm sure there's a Y who agrees.
Generally there is also a Z who disagrees. I assume Z has the aforementioned
delete button. Quality comes from the members of the list. Have a little
trust that they know what they are on about and are able to interpret the
mission statement. After all, Z might think a thread about disco is
irrelevant. Perhaps they haven't been listening to Theo Parrish. Y thinks
the whole Downwards/Surgeon techno thread is irrelevant. Perhaps they
haven't been listening to Claude Young. X might think it's all of interest,

If Y appreciates that Z might just know what's relevant to 313 in Z's eyes
(and vice versa), then they might learn a little. Folk should chill out a
bit and have more faith.


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