This thread has been full of some interesting opinions, it actually reminds me 
of arguments that were made a few years ago when 'electronica' was supposed to 
blow up and be the next big thing. Remember all the buzz over 'AMP' I think 
people within the techno community saw it as signs of an invasion. That 
overnight artists who were dedicated to making unique and innovative music 
whould suddenly become hypnotized into selling out because of exposure to a 
mass audience. Jaguar is a great track with lots of emotion, we can all agree 
on that. I personally think Rolando deserves the exposure, MTV air-play 
included. Sure some people will love it and some people will not get it (music 
is after all an artform) the point is those who do like it will hopefully have 
had their minds opened and want to develop an appreciation for this music.

dave pinter

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