Detroit can be a really harsh place.  If you visit -- and you don't
get lost in the wrong neighborhood after dark -- it can seem like a
really friendly, chill place. But ask anyone who actually grew up in
the City how many people they know who got shot, how many people they
know went to prison, etc..

A friend of mine was driving a rental car to Detroit for DEMF a few
years back and stopped for gas at the wrong exit and got carjacked at
gunpoint.  I got my car broken into in Downtown Detroit because I
wasn't in a patrolled lot.  That isn't  much, but Detroit definitely
isn't all unicorns and rainbows.  It's a desparately poor American
city, with a bankrupt government, underfunded schools, and with the
implosion of the auto industry, it isn't getting better anytime soon.

While that all is true, people should visit.  No one except techno
heads vacation in Detroit, and there's no city that needs your tourism
dollars more. The music industry is one of the few bright spots in the

2009/1/30 Martin Dust <>:

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