I wouldn't be surprised if the swine tried to collect from both the DJ and the venue.Greed has no shame....

southernoutpost wrote:
From my understanding, I was under the impression that the venues themselves paid a yearly fee to the performing rights society. I believe that's how Apra, the Australian performing rights org does it.

Only problem here is that pool of money usually ends up in the accounts of The Pussycat Dolls rather than Dopplereffeckt.

Southern Outpost

Sydney - San Francisco - Berlin
Infiltrating your sound systems

On Apr 30, 2009, at 7:35 AM, jdmo...@frontiernet.net wrote:

if dj's become become classified as "performers" and thus compelled to pay royalties for the tracks they play in their "performances" then why would you want a log of all those tracks going to ASCAP, BMI, etc unless you play almost exclusively tracks that you would benefit from being played - i.e. you are also the producer and/or own the label that released them?

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