On May 21, 2009, at 1:23 PM PDT, o...@technotourist.org wrote:

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 8:07 PM, kent williams
<chaircrus...@hyperreal.org> wrote:
This bounced due to the ever popular 'plain text only' rule. But man,
this is from Otto!

Otto was my very kind host when I visited Rotterdam almost 10 years
ago, and is one of the OG Techno Tourists.  One of my peak DEMF
experiences was the Larry Heard/Moodyman party years back, and a peak
part of that party was seeing Otto, completely drenched in sweat and
so happy to be there that I was afraid he was going to spontaneously
combust ...

Oh yeah! That party *still* puts a huge smile on my face. Packed right
from when it started until 6am in the morning. Pure darkness, the only
light being a desk lamp that was barely enough for the DJs to see what
they were putting on, which was a house set to rival the best nights
at Body & Soul.

Holy crap, Otto's back! Damn, just my luck, financial obligations prevented me from coming this year. But hey - next year, now that C2's back in the saddle! w00t

Hans posted this pic on his Facebook of me, Dan Sicko and Otto down in the food court back in 2003:


You'll notice that both of them look like they're saying, "So, are you paying attention to Greg's blathering? blah blah blah." "Me neither"

File alongside Rolando's set during the UR afterparty @ Johansen Gallery, DEMF 2001. Utterly legendary.

Ohhhhh yes. Darkness, booty freaking on the dance floor, and my legs didn't stop moving for 4 hours straight. They were in serious pain after that one!

Hope everyone is having a great time at the Festival now! *gnashes teeth*

        - Greg

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