I'll agree with that. Jeff's set was a very different animal from the DJ who played right before him.

But as I said before, Jeff's set seemed to lack momentum. It was fun to watch him work his magic and create such an intricately woven amalgam of rhythm-and-sound, but overall it sounded like it had no impetus other than its own intricacy. After a while, it felt like a moto perpetuo in still life: "Dude Descending a Staircase".

That isn't to say that it was bad set, because it wasn't by any means. In its own way it was really exquisite. It just didn't leave as strong an impression as the DJ set before his.


cpe1704...@gmail.com wrote:
what i find especially amazing about this is that you preferred buzz's set to jeff's. buzz rocked, no doubt, but jeff was on a complete other level of advanced techno sorcery.

On May 28, 2009 9:35pm, darnistle <darnis...@cafe-ebola.com> wrote:
> OK, fine. Maybe my vision is worse that I thought, because Buzz and Juan don't look alike at all...
 > Regardless, WHOEVER played right before Jeff totally rocked my world!
 > {}0+>|
 > Detroit Techno Militia wrote:
 > That is correct - that is not the guy who played right before Jeff.
 > Buzz Goree is the one who played right before Jeff.
 > Angela Schwendemann
 > Label Manager
 > Detroit Techno Militia
 > http://www.detroittechnomilitia.com
 > 313-449-8655
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 7:24 AM, Frank Glazer cpe1704...@gmail.com> wrote:
 > I'd just like to point out that that is not the dude who played
 > directly before Jeff.  :)
 > On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Detroit Techno Militia
 > detroittechnomili...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think you guys are talking about Spore Print - he is one of the Mixworks DJ's.
 > Here is a picture I took of him Friday night @ The Works before the
 > festival kicked off:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/technochick/3557478243/in/set-72157618721828478/
 > Angela Schwendemann
 > Label Manager
 > Detroit Techno Militia
 > http://www.detroittechnomilitia.com
 > 313-449-8655
 > \

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