> My only point is- i heard that he is only taking european bookings. To
> me, that seems rather

That is not true.  He is doing a gig in Detroit at teh Magestik (sp?)
Theater on Devils night with Theo Parrish and DJ Bone.  For some reason,
Bone is listed as the headliner, and Rolando is billed third.  It was
funny, the inital ad, called him "DJ Roland" from "Underground

> 1) elitist and snobby

Why?  Knights of the Jaguar and Revenge of the Jaguar have been out here
in the US for a while, and no one really cared except those really down
with the music.  Now that the track is big in the UK, why are you so eager
to book him?

> 3) pretty much agaisnt their whole political manifesto. (for example,
> i saw a copy of the jaguar remixes at a local store, with this big
> byline on it that stated to not buy their records in chain stores, blah
> blah blah never supported underground music blah blah blah mom and
> pop are better blah blah blah.. my question is- THEn why the hell
> are you selling them there? you can control your distrubution!
> its about money! 

Actually, Underground Resistance is probably the last label concerned
about money.  For YEARS they have kept a very low profile, and the fact
taht you saw thier record at a LOCAL record store, as oppose to a large
chain, shows how effective Mad Mike's distribution comapny "Submerge" has
been.  You do not understand how amazing it is that UR can distribute on
an international level, and still keep such a low profile.  

As for the whole Universal Records thing, I think no one know how big that
song would get.  I have yet to hear someone listen to that song and not
think that it is great.  Here at college, a lot of trance and prog. house
fanatics love that song, and have since become very eager to learn more
about Detroit's techno history.  If Rolando and UR actually make a few
bucks, more power to them.  I'd rather give them money, then that bastard
Okenfold who actually thinks that he is the cause of dance music's
popularity in the United States.


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