Aidan O'Doherty wrote:
hello, my name is aidan and i'm back on the list after a break of
about two years. i used to buy vinyl, but have now switched to
digital, as a domestic dispute ended with my collection nestling in a
landfill and my decks smashed up and left in an attic.
Welcome back, Aidan. I feel for you re: the above. Though nowhere near as extreme, once around 1987-ish had a girlfriend go ballistic on my vinyl collection such that all got unsleeved, walked on, and strewn around the house, then had various food items dumped on 'em. Another girlfriend (10 years after the first incident) held my computer, turntables, mixer, and vinyl collection hostage for 1.5 years, but I was lucky to get all back. Computer and mixer had been rendered useless, but still got vinyl (collection version 2 because of first incident) back. Again, I'm sitting here thinking back at my bad domestic experiences re: the above and really feeling for you. Hope you're keeping your head up and glad to see it hasn't dampened your enthusiasm for good
music. Take care, Aidan. Andrew


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