Im having problems with my usual account so turning to Gmail. Anyhow. . .

Interview with DJ Bone

Discussing American attitudes to techno, Detroit, Berlin, lovers and haterz.

" mean I could easily wake up tomorrow and say, “You know what? I feel
like being famous. I’m going to start playing minimal.” And I could go
and get a computer and get the latest software and just cheer lead and
wave my hands and blow kisses, etc, and I would make ten times what I
make right now and be a million times more famous... "

About Mojo
"It was so dope to be in the ghetto and hear “Rock Lobster”. You know
in the middle of all this black music you hear and all these black
people are like “Oh, Rock Lobster!” Everybody’s down on the ground and
shit and then it would kick back up and everybody’s up. In the ‘hood!


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