Wish we could be there.  Just caught Rob here in Detroit a few months
ago.  His set was killer!  If you are in the area, I highly recommend
this show!

Angela Schwendemann
Label Manager
Detroit Techno Militia

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Southern Outpost
<senti...@southernoutpost.com> wrote:
> Just noticed Rob Hood will be playing this Saturday over in Oakland at
> the As You Like It party. Unfortunately I don't know too much about
> the local supports, but none the less looks like a decent party.
> Some info here: http://www.asr-family.com/
> Apparently he had to cancel his Australian and Asian tour due to a
> death in the family which is sad on both sides. Condolences to his
> loss. I'm sure he'll make it to Oz again soon.
> Hoping to make it across the Bridge this weekend, might catch up with
> a few of you.
> Peace,
> Patrick.

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