some other record should make up for this one?

No one's taking a thing away from what that Derrick and Transmat actually deserve. It's just that this music is terrible.

On Oct 15, 2009, at 10:11 AM, "ohanakin ..." <> wrote:

ease on up cowboys, have you guys heard dvs1's stuff? gonna be out on
transmat (check his myspace for the tracks)

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 2:38 AM, JT Stewart <> wrote:
I agree, but they're both super duper wack club sh*t-turds. So, so
tired. I could give a f about 'innovation' but for crissakes Derrick!
Bring on Arne's record.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 2:08 AM, Joe Marougi <> wrote:
Black Sun > The Bridge

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