Honestly if he's unhappy, godspeed and all that.

But the downside he's describes to the 'techno scene' isn't a new
thing.  Where you have a party scene, you're going to have people
doing things you may not be down with, you're going to have shallow
people, you're going to have politics and backstabbing and bitchiness.

In other words it sounds like pretty much every other professional
scene I've ever been involved with.  Only, in my experience, working
at a University, by contrast doesn't have nearly as much in the way of
hookerz and blow.

So I don't know what he's going to do for a living where he'll be able
to avoid a certain amount of negativity and bad behavior.  Why not
focus on the fact that you're actually making a living out of music,
something lots of us would be feel blessed to be able to do?

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Ivan Tomasevic
<to...@tesla.rcub.bg.ac.rs> wrote:
> http://www.testindustries.com/2009/10/alex-cortex-not-so-slight-return.html
> regards,
> ivan

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