On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 3:52 PM, atomly <ato...@atomly.com> wrote:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/07/nyregion/07vinyl.html
> I work in Union Square-- I'm gonna have to go over to that new Best Buy
> so that I can take advantage of their new Club Beats section!  Haha
>        Last week, that store and a new Best Buy on Union Square
>        installed departments, dubbed Club Beats, where customers can
>        test out turntables and other equipment that DJs use to mix
>        music. "They can spin, they can mix, they can scratch, whatever
>        they want to do," Mr. Sam said.

I have seen this magical land. I got really excited because I thought
they had AWESOME deals on KRK Rokits until I noticed that they were
priced per piece and not per pair and were, in fact, regular price.
Other than that... uhhh... they had an iDJ thingy.

-- JD

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