Hey there!

Thanks for the feedback!  I actually handed Plug Research over to
Allen in 1998 after getting married and have been "outta the game"
since.  Only recently I've met up with Dub U here in San Jose and we
decided to work on tracks together and put together a new label
"Vertical Sounds".  I'm hoping to make up for lost time and it feels
good to twiddle some knobs again!


On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Minto George <mintogeo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Joe Marougi <jmaro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Just wanted to share something we recently wrapped up.
>>Any feedback is always appreciated.
> Joe, this is really nice! Is is coming out on Plug Research? Best house track 
> I've heard in a bit, but then again I've been out of the loop for a while. 
> Everybody should check this out if you skipped out on listening to this. 
> Simple but very effective deep track.
> minto
> down low music
> http://downlowmusic.org

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