What kind of west coast "tour" skips on America's Finest City?

------Original Message------
From: Greg Earle
To: 313@hyperreal.org
ReplyTo: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: (313) TechnoTourist West Coast tour
Sent: Apr 26, 2010 2:37 PM

Hans Veneman, originator of the TechnoTourist.ORG site and one of the Four 
Dutchmen Of The Apocalypse (along with Otto, KJ and Wibo) has just left for a 
tour of the West Coast, starting with San Francisco.  He got in yesterday, is 
in SF today, and in Monterey tomorrow.  He will be back up in SF on May 7th and 
8th before he and his wife return home on the 8th.

He will be down my way by Thursday/Friday (first stop: Disneyland!) and I am 
going to play Tourist Chauffeur on Saturday, so in case there are any 313 headz 
in SF or LA that would like to meet up with him, drop me a line privately.

        - Greg

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