No problem - think it might be one of his Japanese only CD releases
but you can probably get it from Axis (or us!)



On 18 May 2010 14:51, darnistle <> wrote:
> A new Mills album!  How exciting!!
> Thanks for posting this!
> {}0+>|
> On 5/15/2010 10:53 AM, wrote:
>> Hi everyone - what you all think of the new Mill's album?  Just
>> listening to it at the moment and it's going down very well indeed -
>> reminds me of "From the 21st" (my favourite "home listening" Mills
>> album) in places.  Lot's of incredibly solid, menacing Bass Drums and
>> hypnotic ticking Hi Hats (why is it when I do a straight 16's Closed
>> 909 Hi Hat it sounds rubbish and when Mills does it, it sounds
>> hypnotic????) and spaced out chords floating about all over the place.
>> I forgot to mention, in an attempt to out do Anya at Bleep 43, Rubadub
>> have Jeff Mills playing here in at the Sub Club in Glasgow on my 40th
>> (July 23rd if you want to send flowers, cards etc) - the venue holds
>> about 300-400 people and he rarely gets a chance to play in such
>> intimate surroundings here so we're looking forward to it.  He's
>> promised to do something pretty special (juggling, kniting??) and is
>> playing for three hours .  The only downside is that as it's a
>> Significant Birthday for me it's unlikely I'll be able to remember a
>> thing the next day so he could be playing a set of Euro Trance Bangers
>> and I wouldn't know the difference.
>> The first batch of tickets sold out in three days but there will be a
>> second batch at the start of July and a small amount kept by on the
>> door.
>> As well as my birthday,  it's Rubadub's 18th birthday too (Legal to
>> drink at last!!) and the launch of our new website too so I'll keep
>> ya'll informed as things develop.
>> cheers
>> Jason

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