We touched on this a bit yesterday but I thought I'd share these links with 

It's difficult listening in places but very interesting and worth sticking it 

The idea of a completely original piece of music is fairly recent. Music was 
passed on through sound, through generations, even for centuries after the 
invention of written music. Only in the 14th century did it become standard 
practice for a composer to sign his name to a piece of music and claim it 
entirely as his own, giving rise to the cult of the individual composer. But as 
recording supplanted sheet music in the 20th century, the presence of communal 
influence became unavoidably obvious once again as composers began to use 
recordings to make new recordings. We can now hear the presence of more than 
one voice. And there is a reason why people don't say they listen to a record – 
they say that they play a record. From the beginning, recordings have been 

The first episode of this overview of appropriative collage in music covers the 
years 1909 through 1961, beginning with Charles Ives, who composed in a cut and 
paste style with sheet music in a way that anticipated what later composers 
would do with multi-track tapes and mixers. We skip through decades to arrive 
at "Twisting the Dials", the Happiness Boys' 1928 tribute to late night radio 
surfing, before moving to John Cage's proto-sampling pieces for radio and tape, 
"Credo in US" and the "Imaginary Landscapes". We witness the million-selling 
cut-in records of Buchanan and Goodman and the resulting lawsuits, Richard 
Maxfield's tape cut-ups of a sermonizing preacher, and conclude with James 
Tenney's dedicated dissection of a single recording of Elvis: "Collage No. 1", 
the first 'remix'.


Simon Sound
Simon did a series of programs which he selected early pioneers from each 
country, again, well worth a listen:

I have all the files if people would like copies


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