I should post something like this periodically, but unless I figure
out how to make it a cron job on hyperreal.org that aint gonna happen.

WHY YOUR POST DIDN'T SHOW UP ON THE 313 LIST (in order of likelihood)

1. You didn't send a plain text message. Plaint text means 'no fancy
formatting, no attached files, no images.'  See this page for how to
do that, and an explanation of why it matters:

GMail users: Note that the Plain Text/Rich Formatting switch can
change on you, for arcane GMail-ish reasons, so look above where
you're typing your timeless wisdom to make sure it says "Rich
formatting >>" before you hit 'Send.'  And why they don't label what
mode you're in, and instead give you a link to go to the mode you're
NOT in, well that's a GMail mystery.

2. You used one of the words that, in the US at least that are
considered obscenities.  This isn't a moral stricture, it's so 313
e-mails don't trigger corporate e-mail filters.  If you want to curse
it is still possible, but you have to be inventive. For example SH1T
FVCK C0CKSVCKER M0TH3RFVCKER BALLS.  You can also say terrible things
in French, Japanese, Urdu, Farsi, etc -- the list doesn't filter for

There's also a bunch of miscellaneous words that have been added to
the list over the years for various arcane reasons. At some point I
should clean them out -- some of them were aimed at specific people,
and I believe they are no longer around.

3. You're using GMail.  GMail sometimes doesn't show your e-mail to a
mailing list until someone else replies to it.  How or why GMail does
this is another GMail mystery.

4. There's another GMail phenomenon that might confuse you:
a. if you cross-post to more than one list
b. and you use GMail filters to put your incoming e-mail under a label
for each mailing list,
c, your email will show up under only one of those labels as unread,
even though it has both labels.

I see all the bounced messages in my hyperreal mailbox, and I try to
actually forward them back to you when they show up.  But strange as
it may seem, I may go hours and occasionally days without clearing
that mailbox, so if your message doesn't show up, you can try and
correct the problem (if it is #1 or #2) and resend.  If you're sure
the problem isn't #1 or #2, and you've checked #4, and you don't think
#3 is the problem, feel free to drop me a line.

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