Went record shopping for the first time in a few months the other week. Cosmin TRG has made the switch from dubstep to techno/house/funky and his 50 Weapons and Rush Hour releases sound very "now" to me. Digging the Mark Ernestus remix of Konono #1. Also digging the weirdo analogue vibes of the Sex Tags Mania releases and the dark industrial sounds of Do Not Resist the Beat #6. Any Shed related releases are still gold to me: equalized #4, Wax #3. The new Soundstream is growing on me but I'm not sure what the big deal is about another nicely produced filter house record. "Wenn Meine Mutte Wusste" and "Boom Room" were the highlights of the Berghain Funf compilation, the former being Soundstream and the latter Shed. Rush Hour is up on the anonymous techno tip with the 52.37514724042889 release. On the acid house tip digging the Steve Poindexter State of Shock Muzique reissue and the Italo Johnson white label.

Hmm... I guess I should mention some Detroit records? Digging the Marcellus Pittman green Unirhythm and the new Terrence parker Music Works Vol #1 is some straight up good bumpin garagey house. Omar S These Complimentary Tracks also caught my ear but haven't really given this or many of the other mentioned records a good listen yet so this is mostly store listening reactions. The new Stingray Aqua Team record is some nice fast frenetic electro. Actually enjoying this one more than the Urban Tribe release. Lastly, the new Deep Space Orchestra on ART is some great melodic detroit techno stuff outta England I guess. Overall I'm still a bit of a sucker for all the trendy anonymous techno BS. :)

Quoting jwan allen <jwan.al...@gmail.com>:

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 8:31 AM,  <3...@coke-smyth.net> wrote:
At the moment Im most happy to have found...

Mark Flash - Brasilia EP UR
really nice beat to this. Hard to track down to Rubadub Records.

Got it.

Shake - Thought Processes Frictional
there has been a swamp of new shake records so wasnt expecting much from
this, but its really pulling through, solid form and really complements a
lot of the previous frictional output.

Got it.

Advance Dance sampler
had my eye on this for years. Nice club tracks from Colin Dale et al. Hard
to find these days but it might be floating about juno or vinyljunkies.

Will check this out, since I'm not familiar.

Scott Grooves - Riddum Collection
does what it says. Should be available in US?

I don't have this, but not for lack of trying, this is the perpetual
"sorry we sold out of this product, we will notify you when it's back
in stock" I should follow up on this one.

PSI Performer Remixes
Dark Anthony Rother originals remixed by a host of producers. Really dub
techno feel to it despite its age. Like this a lot

Will check

Currently waiting for the Shake record on FIT, and the new Madlib Medicine

Got the Shake, he's the man! I'm still sorting out all the Medicine
Show volumes.

Thanks for the suggestions!




So what tunes are doing it for you? I'm at the crossroad of what I
want is yet to be released and what's out doesn't warrant an order.



Technoir Audio
"dealing with your imperfect world"

Technoir Audio
"dealing with your imperfect world"

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