Cyclone Wehner sez:

> >I just saw Hell play here in Toronto, and I can say that while he
> >dropped a few nice tracks and his mixing was tight, I found it rather
> >boring.  I was actually pretty disapointed.  His set really lacked
> >energy and direction, IMHO.  Though I'm interested in hearing his set
> >at FUSE to see how it compares.
> It was probably the crowd - what were they like? I rate him very highly. Was
> he playing more straight-up techno or the gigolo stylee weird electro/disco
> stuff? The latter is where his heart is at I think now.

It was a cheesy club with lots of people "coming up" just as I was
getting bored.  Most of the people didn't have a clue who Hell was...

His set was predominantly straight-up techno, though he started with
some good electro and dropped one really bassy, f*cked-up techno track
in the middle of his set that I enjoyed.  No weird electro/disco like
I was expecting.

Towards the end of his set, he just faded out the track he was playing
and put on a jazzy, vocal-house track.  Then he proceeded to mix right
back into the bland techno again.  Very strange.


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