Roland van Oorschot sez:

> At 10:05 10/28/2000 +0200, you wrote:
> >yeah it has been played a lot over here (but i think it's a year or two old
> >or something?).
> And it even gets tastier: the melody is from 1984.
> The whole track is ripped from an old Commodore 64 game-tune from the game 
> Lazy Jones.

Hey, what song is it in the game?  I picked up the SID file from but I can't seem to find a tune from the 
game that sounds like Zombie Nation.

I do recognize song 7 in the SID as being Blondie(?) though...

Ahh, the old C64 SID sound is bringing me too much nostalgia (lo-hi
lo-hi lo-hi lo-hi...).


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