People of Techno,

Hi. Rob Theakston here. You may know me from such emails as "DEMF
Weepy Memories" or "Does Anyone Know Where The Hell I Can Find This
Glass Domain Record For Cheap?"

Many of us have known Dan for well over a decade, and there are
countless others on this list who have enjoyed time with Dan through
his writing.

Through the generosity of countless people, the fund for Dan set up by
his family had exceeded its goal -- which is great news.

However, if you haven't donated already (which btw if you have --
thanks), the fine folks over at Ghostly have designed a t-shirt for
your consideration.

100% of the proceeds will be going directly into a fund to offset any
medical expenses and seed money for his daughter's education fund.

If I know anything about Dan, there was nothing in the world he valued
more than his family, and I would remiss in my friendship to him if I
didn't try to rally around everyone to consider purchasing a shirt to
help ease the burden during such a challenging and tragic time.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me off list.

Thank you for your time. Back to quietly scowling.


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