
not heard much chat about the Omar S album (and he's got a smooth Deep
House thing out with Colonel Abrams too - Shadow Ray mix is pretty
nice).  The album is CD only (I think) and is called "It Can Be Done,
But Only I Can Do It" (Bonus point for anyone who knows what late 80's
Hip Hop gem he takes that from?)

It's a pretty surprising bunch of tracks with a load of 80's Chicago
Trax influences overtaking the usual Detroit deep chords and shuffling
rhythms he's more usually associated with.  I blow hot and cold with
Omar so I wasn't really expecting much from it, maybe that's why I
ended up enjoying it so much.  It kind of sounds like it was done in
one big long session over a week or so - most of the tracks have the
same production style, drum sounds and so on but maybe because of that
it's a cohesive listen as an album which isn't always easy to achieve.
 Except for the cringe inducing "Porno vocal soundtrack over sad
chords" tracks that is cliched beyond words :)

Not from Detroit but the new Martyn 12" is pretty damn fine and if it
was released 10 years ago would most certainly have went in the
"Detroit New Releases" section in many stores :)



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