Essentially records which I have but have not yet managed to put into a mix as 
they are either too fast or too bonkers or a combination of both.

Naturally, my idea of bonkers and yours may vary, but I can only go by my own 
bonkers induced reality and upload the result.  Looking back, theres only a 
couple I'd class as full on monsters, but the not so full-on are blooming fast… 
 oddly enough i still ended up playing them at about -4, the thought of hearing 
them on 0 or + anything baffles me..  

anyway  enough warbling..

mix is here -

Basic Channel – Phylyps Trak - Basic Channel
Aphex Twin – Aboriginal Mix - White
DJ ESP - Fresh Air - Generator
Sterac - promo
Dark Comedy –  Clavia's North - Art of Dance
Sympletic – Noname (Remix) - Ifach
Planetary Assault Systems - Forms - Peacefrog
The Memory Foundation - m-Plant
Anthony Shakir - The Random Hustle - Dust Science
Mystic Rythem – Track Relaxer - Peacefrog
Woody Mcbride - Rattlesnake - Magnetic North
Jamie Read – Vibe Nations - Ugly
Blake Baxter - Vision of Truth - UR
The Source - Untitled - R&S
Basic Channel – Octaedre - Basic Channel plank  promo 003  i think
Monolake – Cyan - Chain Reaction
Indio - Blue Fantasy - Transmat
Jeff Mills - Untitled - Axis
Like a Tim - Avanger - Djax-up-beats
Nico - Withdrawl - ESP
Perfect Sync - Down the Deep
Paresys – Untitled - Re-Load
Mike Henk – Untitled  - Pulsar

Done in one hit on 2xtechnics 1210s - approx 2 hours (just under)  @320 kbps  

FOr more infos, gigs and musics - like me -


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