Checking out the Morodor soundtrack right now on Spotify...

As to your question a few ones come to mind right away:

1. First and most obvious, Vangelis' work for Blade Runner continues
to impress.  Incredible mood, ambience, and inseparable from the

2. Fight Club.  Perfect pairing.

3. Tron: Legacy.  I don't listen to much Daft Punk, and wether the
movie was any good or not, I think they knocked it out of the park on
their end.


"I'm wondering if seeing Giorgio Moroder's 1984 version of Metropolis
is worth it? It's making the rounds here in Michigan later in October.
I've seen the Jeff Mills' one, which was fantastic and had no idea
there was a Moroder one at all.

Which then makes me wonder what people think are some of the best
electronic scored films? "

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