Placid -

Rocking this hard right now , very nicely done as always.


Jeffrey J Davis
218.83DAVIS jeffreyjamesdavis

On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 3:15 AM, Placid <> wrote:
> Kao-Tic Harmonies - A Derrick may Retrospective
> Love him or hate him , he is responsible for some of the most emotive , 
> groundbreaking music we now come to know as Techno.
> A couple of hours of my favourite bits….
> The mix is here -
> Done in one take on 2 technics 1210s..  possibly with this one I should have 
> planned a couple of mixes, they go way out of time, reverse edits etc…. but 
> apart from the odd hairy moment its not too bad….
> oh and for the spotters.  Model 500  info world is on there.  On my 12 it 
> says wanderer mixed by I went with that..  and I don't think I 
> need to make excuses to put it on the mix..
> I will do a tracklist after the weekend, but feel free to add comments.
> Hope you enjoy it
> for more mixes and the like - 
> p

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