When I read the subject I assumed somebody made a mixset or record with
some sort of Drexciyan style legend about beings living beneath Detroit. I
had no idea this existed. It would be fascinating to see these.


On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Jussi Lehtonen <
jleht...@mail.student.oulu.fi> wrote:

> Don't know if this was posted yet, but here goes anyway. For some reason
> the page seems to jump to the bottom when loaded. Spotted @ io9.
> http://www.**environmentalgraffiti.com/**anthropology-and-history/news-**
> salt-city-1200-feet-beneath-**detroit<http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/anthropology-and-history/news-salt-city-1200-feet-beneath-detroit>
> Now that might be an interesting place to have a party. Or just to go
> spelunking to.
> Jussi Lehtonen
>  "Metaprogram yourself."

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