> broadcasts will be each wednesday from:
> 2000-2300GMT / 2100-0000CET
> first show Wednesday, November 1st, 2000.
> [in] other words.. . tonight!
> you'll need [the] WinAMP MP3 player to listen [to] the show.

The good:
It's an MP3 stream (I hate RealPlayer and Winblows Media Player)
The music sounded good (modulo the bad, below)

The bad:
11 kHz, 16 Kbps???  :-(

Blah.  My cable modem wants 44 kHz, 128 Kbps.  Lots of other streams give
it to me.  Any chance of a higher bandwidth stream in the future?  :-/

We need more Net music like this.  Just at higher bandwidth  :-)

        - Greg

P.S. Nice domain name, btw  :-)

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