good mix! it made my morning at work easier!

net label :
me :

 From: Placid <>
To: Three-One-Three <> 
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 2:46:57 AM
Subject: (313) My Top 25 Dub Techno Mix
My top 25 Dub Techno tracks. (as at 27 September 2012.. as with my acid.. i 
could do  the same title in two weeks and only play half the same records....

Of course there are some that could have gone on there,  and maybe a couple 
that i thought went quite well rather than my favourites but overall its got a 
nice little vibe going *..

* - i should really listen back to it at some point before making wild claims

Anyway  enjoy   Will do a tracklist at some point...  If anyone can name the 
tracklist  Ill think of something nice to give them

Listen here

Done in 1 hit on 2x1210's   oddly enough it was nearly all coloured vinyl..  
(makes it very hard to see where it ends. as i found out a few times)  bring 
back black…  

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