Yes the early morning part of his set was very appreciable, i wish he could go like this on night long. I guess he was not as cheerful as he could be for his previous anniversaries.
He still has a lots of kindness for the true lovers.

“Andy Green”, ok i've got it now, you're Mr Verdant :)
I love your mixes on
I encourage to listen to them, it's not only 313, but you always have a great deep selection.

See you!
— K*

PS: Benoit, i think we missed us again.

Le 28/10/2012 18:40, Andy Green a écrit :
Hi there,  K*

That English guy was me. Meeting you and your friend was a cool part of the night, always a pleasure to bump into fellow 313 members.

I had a great time and that after only finding ourselves on the guest list a few hours before the doors opened. We started queuing at 9 and Laurent spotted us. After a short chat he was amazed at the dedication to the cause and put us on the GL!

I agree with you about the music selection. The first 2 and last 1 hour were more to my deeper tastes with some interesting Chicago and Detroit selections. (there was a Jamie Principle track early that was a new one to me). Otherwise too much meh and anonymous tech house, it was well put together but didn't enlighten or get deep. Pity as I thought he might show us his adventurous side on such a special occasion.

I was ever so tempted to head out again to Delano Smith but after 48 hours awake my body said 'non'.


Andy/Genre/verdant recordings

On 27 Oct 2012, at 18:02, KiDD*e < <>> wrote:
He was celebrating his 25th career anniversary.
Very good as always, some very nice moments, but maybe a little bit to “Techno” straighforward, i don't remember hearing a `break` (electro, dubstep, jungle or whatever), and it lacked of Detroit and Chicago tracks of course :)

I wanted to thanks the english list member for this nice spontaneous encounter.
It was rather fun to meet in this thick smoke.

— K*

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