hehe, over thanksgiving, my cousin told/showed me what this 'Gangnam
Style' was on her ipad.  i didn't know what the heck that was.
actually my dad brought it up over dinner lol because my other cousin
in L.A. wants to go to music school (but his parents are hem-ing and
haw-ing about paying for it) and the convo just went thataway.  the
stuff that gets over these days...

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Mr. jp <j...@phreak.net> wrote:
> on and off since '93
> I just read that Gangnam Style is the most watched youtube video of
> all time. So to add to what was said before about the glory years of
> 313 being behind us, it would seem as if the last decade has been more
> about the rest of the world catching up and doing their own thing,
> than about the bleeding edge that Detroit techno concerned itself
> with. I still get a lot of inspiration from this 313 music, so it's as
> relevant to me as it ever was, and that's what counts.

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