Hi everyone,

This inquiry may sound intrusive to many, but I can only assure you that it is 
for academic research purposes only, in a "let's write history before it's too 
late" spirit.

I found on this page some pieces of information which are part verified, part 
faulty and part doubtful: 

Here's what I'm trying to clarify:

- Michael A. Banks, born 1961: we know that Mike Banks' full name is Michael 
Anthony Banks, but I have no way to know if 1961 is his accurate year of birth, 
even if in 1995 he said he was 33 years old - 
http://www.ele-mental.org/ele_ment/said&did/mad_mike_speaks.html - but he still 
could have been born in 1962

- Jeffrey Earl Mills, born 1962: there we know that it's incorrect, since Jeff 
Mills was born in 1963. Therefore, I'm uncomfortable trusting this "source" 
when dealing with his full name.

If anyone could help me confirm either Mike's year of birth or Jeff's full 
name, I would be very grateful!

Thanks in advance for your help and happy holidays to you all,


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