Hi Fred-
Long time 313 lurker here. I just wanted to add some feedback:

- Loved KDJ -- especially the fact that he actually spun vinyl. I think he even 
played some Genesis (Phil Collins era no less) in that crazy set.
- Richie Hawtin was really fun. I enjoyed the whole thing.
- DJ Minx! Amazing. That woman can command an audience.
- Audion -- loved Audion live. He really took advantage of the Red Bull Academy 
- Dan Bell -- great groove in his set. Made in Detroit's sound was perfect for 
his set. (And vinyl again!). I can't believe I've never seen him DJ.
- Rrose -- unbelievable. My favorite set of the festival despite the crowded 
underground stage/weather.

I was a little disappointed with the MID sound system on Monday. It didn't do 
justice to what Carlos Souffront had to offer.

Detroit notes: Drove by the Packard Plant. I was sad to see how it's 
deteriorated in the past (almost 20 years). Loved the Heidelberg Project. I'm 
so glad it's still there (at least in part).

Back to lurking…. :-)


On Sunday, 26. May 2013 at 14:01, Fred Heutte wrote:

> How y'all feeling out there?
> Met up with John Sokolowski yesterday and heard rumors that
> Mr. Earle is in the house...
> Good sets yesterday from 16 Lolitas, KDJ, CC, Alton MIller.
> Mr. Parker, playing the classics. But the difference
> between me playing those classics (Nightcrawlers, No UFOs,
> and on and on) is what makes Terrence so special. He was
> on -fire- despite playing in a t-shirt in 50 degree weather.
> Dubstep has arrived at the festival (in its highly fragmented genre
> state). Nuff said.
> The weather is actually very nice if on the coolish side, and there
> was a great full moon rising over the Detroit River last night.
> See you on the plaza and at the parteez... because there's no
> way back, at all...
> fh
> 503.757-6222

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