I for one like listening to other list members works so it doesn't bother
me if anyone posts their updates. In fact.... I added 2  songs to my site
this week. One called "veinte duros" I wrote last weekend, and another
called "lichen" which is about a year and a half old that i hadn't gotten
around to posting. Feedback always appreciated!

Nice work Scott. I'm listening through all your tracks right now.

Is there anyone else with stuff up? The only ones I know of are christian
bloch and darw_n.

--dick richards

Scott Vallance wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been kinda wondering what the list thinks about mp3.com artists
> notifying the list about updates. I know it fits into the definition of
> being on topic, but does it annoy anyone out there?
> Well assuming it doesnt, I've uploaded a new track. As always I'd love
> feedback (but hey noone ever does, so I dont know why I ask :)
>   SkyScraper Ruins                                 Detroit
>     130 bpms. Cruising past the light catches the remains
>     of the decaying structures and past glory shimmers
>     momentarily.
> http://www.mp3.com/ScottVallance
> ScottV.
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To listen to my latest songs go to: http://www.mp3.com/dickrichards

Also check out my station "orgone accumulator" for minimal techno and
ambient pieces.

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