Michigan Sound Conference


10 am – 8 pm, Friday May 22, 2015 at the Detroit Public Library.

Music, Arts & Literature Department, Third Floor

This event is free and open to the public.

Please RSVP and / or donate here:

Call for Papers

The Detroit Sound Conservancy (DSC) will host our second annual conference
on Friday, May 22, 2015 at the Detroit Public Library dedicated to Michigan
and Detroit’s musical heritage. The question our presenters will explore is
how has Michigan generally, and Detroit in particular, been a leader in the
creation of the global modern soundscape?

The inspiration for the conference comes from the Michigan Modern
exhibition held summer 2013 at Cranbrook in Bloomfield Hills, MI that
focused on Michigan architecture and design. Similarly, our conference will
focus on the relationship between sound and music as they relate to
Michigan design and architecture in the 20th century. How have Michigan’s
spaces of sound (studios, radio stations, clubs, concert venues, cars,
etc.) played a key role in how we have come to hear and experience sound
and music? What role do they still play today?

This conference connects directly to the DSC’s mission of preserving sounds
and telling stories. It also educates the public, helping to disseminate
historic designation knowledge and resources not just in Detroit but across

Our first successful conference held last Memorial Day weekend in the Music
Sheet Room in the Music, Arts, and Literature Department of the Detroit
Public Library, featured 28 local and national speakers on a wide range of
topics related to Detroit music history, from the influence of Latin
culture on Detroit music to the influence of Detroit’s ballroom
architecture on live music performance. (See our video recap here.)

It is our hope that this “Michigan Sound” conference will encourage and
spread a more robust discussion on how we might preserve, protect, and
celebrate Michigan’s sonic story.

Please note: while we encourage papers to address the conference theme, we
remain open to papers concerning Detroit music.

The deadline for presentation/workshop proposals and sponsorship
opportunities is Friday, February 20, 2015.

Single presentations should be 15-20 minutes long; panels 60-75 minutes
plus Q&A.

Please send a 250-word abstract plus 100-word author bio, as well as any
inquiries, to Conference Chair Denise Dalphond via denisedalphondATgmail.com

Please tweet to @detroitsound with the hashtag #michigansound

Denise Dalphond, PhD

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