I suppose that shouldn't be a surprise to me, but I didn't know. That
makes some sense though. It seems almost impossible for most people to
make money making music these days.

It would have been great to be a producer during the 90's. I bought a
lot of vinyl then too.

It's remarkable how limited a lot of electro vinyl releases would seem
to be currently. It looks like releases of just 100-250 records for even
the most well known artists. Good releases have some rarity, yet demand
is not what it was either.

On Fri, 20 Mar 2015, at 06:32 AM, Philip McGarva wrote:
> On 20/03/2015 16:02, 313-digest-h...@hyperreal.org wrote:
> > I'd go further and offer commercial rights to remix projects. The
> > details of that would need to be discussed but in principle I would
> > welcome commercial remixes that were authorised by me and I would not
> > expect a share of royalties. I've no idea if that sort of arrangement
> > exists already, but folk in the business should be able to figure it out
> > if there's an interest.
> Steve
> No royalties IS the business arrangement :^(

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