Hey folks,

Was all set to fly to Mutek but had a sudden change of heart and am now
making it back to Detroit for festival shenanigans for the first time in
many years, looking to be a great weekend.  I'm probably going to skip most
of the festival proper and just hit up the always excellent evening
parties.  Right now I'm looking at the Tresor event, supporting my Chi
people at the TV Lounge SmartBar evening, and the Sunday No Way Back
event.  Also really trying to swing by Soul Skate, which is always super

You all have any good recs for other events to squeeze in during the day or
evening around town?

Old Miami morning stuff is kind of a shit-show the last few years, am I
right? I remember it being a fun thing, and then suddenly it was a
line-around-the-block crowded thing?


Hope to see a few of you!

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