
Mayor Duggan considers proposals to make Detroit a destination for techno and 

By Violet Ikonomova @violetikon

Last week, in a nondescript East Grand Boulevard building that houses
the world's lone techno museum, a group of world-renowned Detroit techno
DJs and producers convened with big names from the street racing
industry to promote turning the two vibrant scenes into economic drivers
for the city. Theo Parrish was there. Omar-S was there. And, remarkably,
so was Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, who sat, listened, and asked how he
could support.

The message of the meeting at Submerge, which doubles as the home of
acclaimed Detroit techno label Underground Resistance, was clear:
Detroit is sitting on a wealth of talent that it's forced to export, and
other places wind up profiting.

"Around the world, when you ask people about Detroit ... what they say
is cars and music," said Cornelius Harris of UR. "We spend all this time
and money saying how do you brand the city, but we don't have to ask
those questions, it's already there. What happens is we have to embrace

"When you see movies like the Fast and the Furious, all that car culture
came from here," said UR cofounder Mike Banks, noting the films on
illegal street racing make up one of the highest-grossing movie
franchises in history. "Electronic music is a $6.5 billion industry
globally. It was created here. The question is, of course, how much of
that money makes its way back into the city? And the answer is very

Banks, Harris, and a group of UR affiliates are hoping to make Detroit a
destination place for techno and racing, much like Berlin has become a
global hub for electronic music. That city embraced and adopted Detroit
techno early on, and has become a place for DJs and producers around the
world to go to grow their talent. Lax policies surrounding nightlife
have allowed the club culture associated with the genre to thrive, and
electronic music tourism has given Berlin a huge economic boost, with
hundreds of nightclubs that legally operate around the clock. Solid
numbers on how much money techno tourism brings to the city are
unavailable, but Banks says Berlin's economic minister has estimated it
at $900 million a year.

In order to make something like that happen in Detroit, the music
artists and race organizers say they will need two things from Duggan
and city leaders: a willingness to loosen restrictions surrounding
nightlife, and permission to turn City Airport — which could soon be
slated for a redesign — into a race track.

Let's take these ideas one at a time.

Historically, Detroit has not offered a friendly environment for
underground and all-night parties. Save for one weekend a year — when
the city welcomes an influx of electronic music fans from around the
world for Movement — bars generally close or stop serving alcohol at 2
a.m., and Detroit police regularly raid or break up parties in
unsanctioned locations they characterize as "blind pigs." According to
those who've helped cultivate the techno scene here, the genre has been
unable to realize its full potential because of this lack of support.

In late 2014, however, with Detroit just exiting bankruptcy, city
officials began to recognize the untapped economic potential in techno.
It was then that the nonprofit Detroit-Berlin Connection was formed by
members of UR and Berliner Dimitri Hegemann — who founded the famed club
Tresor and has been eyeing the Packard Plant as the site for a sister
venue. The following year, the group brought Detroit city council
members and mayoral staff to Berlin, where they looked at how nurturing
a creative subculture and repurposing industrial spaces could aid in
Detroit's economic recovery.

But little has changed since that trip, and Detroit techno insiders
hoping to push the issue further are now looking to Duggan for support.
Suggestions made to the mayor at the meeting included adding a nightlife
liaison to his staff and designating an official entertainment district
where parties can go later and be held in unconventional spaces. The
district is envisioned for the North End neighborhood that is home to UR
and Submerge. DJ-producers Moodymann and Theo Parrish work out of spaces
within a mile of the site.

"We can get the people here, we can do all that," said Harris. "We don't
need help from the city for that, we're just looking for an environment
that's amenable for that kind of thing happening."

Duggan seemed open to the idea of having a staffer handle nightlife but
stopped short of offering supporting for an official entertainment

"I feel like if the government designates something as the place where
the creative types should go, I get a sense that a bunch are going to go
the other way, just by their nature," Duggan told those gathered.

Still, he said he would look into what the city's special events office
has been doing to accommodate events in raw spaces and expressed
tentative support for allowing parties to go later.

"I don't have any problem with it, I was supportive of the 4 a.m. bar
activity," he said, referencing new rules that allow some places in
Detroit to stay open later on some nights of the year. "We need to do it
in a way that's sensitive to neighbors and the like, but I think if we
plan it together we can do it."

The mayor was also receptive to the idea of taking drag racing off of
the streets and putting it in city airport, where advocates say a race
track would be a money maker and jobs creator. It would also help make
streets safer and keep people from being arrested.

This spring, city officials revealed they were thinking about
eliminating aviation activity at City Airport, which hasn't offered
regular commercial flights in more than a decade and has been losing the
city money for years. They've commissioned a study to look into other
possible uses for the airport, with a focus on economic impact and job

The site's potential as a race track will be tested this summer with a
pair of drag racing events that have come together following a
protracted effort to obtain regulatory approval from the Federal
Aviation Administration. And, incredibly, it appears it was Detroit
Police Chief James Craig who helped race organizers gain access to the

"I don't know how many cities in America can say their police chief is
pushing for drag races, but [Chief Craig] thinks if we can prove that
these events work really well this year, then we can talk about a
permanent race track if there is a basis for it," said Duggan. "You've
got a huge ally, and we're gonna support this and we're gonna see how
far it goes."

In addition to creating new revenue streams for Detroit, those pushing
to turn the city's racing and techno scenes into productive economies
see it as an chance to lift up underdeveloped areas by utilizing the
talents and skills of people who already live in the city. For them,
it's especially important in the North End, a historically black
neighborhood upon which the redevelopment of the area dubbed "greater
downtown" is encroaching.

"We wanna make sure that ... we don't get pushed out," said Harris.

"[Gentrification is] something that we're looking at and saying ... what
can we do and what kind of help can we get from the city to make certain
that doesn't happen here and — as opposed to having a situation where
our success actually ends up doing us in — that we can actually take our
successes and help the city of Detroit be that world class city we
already know it to be.”

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